Hay coming back to my blog. I just want to sharing again journey me and you together. From all the past we after through all together. And I want to announcement for all that we happy with the togetherness. Nothing can change my feel a both. Yes, I will say yes if we say "I Love You" and say "The Champion in together we life". 💗
Saya sendiri enggak tahu lagi mau berkata apa. Kebersamaan kita emang udah biasa banget. Makanya setiap ada apa kita selalu gantian cerita tentang apapun itu. Saya berharap dengan moment seperti ini kita makin kenal, makin sayang, dan makin lengket. Karena emang udah melewati semuanya bareng2. Setiap bangun tidur pasti yang dicari itu hape buat nelpon. Hehehehehe. 😀 Dan sebelum tidur pasti juga sama2 ucapin selamat tidur. Ya begitulah rutinitas kita.
Kadang hal-hal yang enggak penting menjadi bagian terpenting bagi kita berdua. Banyak dari kita enggak bisa romantis tapi akan ada aja bumbu2 yang membuat kita terlihat lengket.
We want together forever. Because why? We after said I can be a princess and your be a prince. Yes, we share the love same it. All the moment that we share its about together not be the priceless and anything. Because we care and we need to be the all good emotion. Sometimes we tell all about anything. Sometimes we angry and sometimes we laugh the foolishness together. Yes, seems like that we grow with love together. Nothing that we close all emotion. We show all the emotion and anything that we need. We not to close that anything that we feel. So, we can through all anything now. About anything it. We show together and we grow together. Yes, that is we.Makanya gaya pacaran kita enggak beda jauh dengan orang lain akan tetapi ketika sedang ada masalah anything kita berdua pake jalan tengah. Terkadang, salah satu ngalah. Karena emang cinta itu begitu mereka akan tumbuh jika kita samasama terbiasa untuk membuka diri dan membuka pikiran kita. Enggak salah, alhamdulilah hubungan kita langgeng. Kami berdua selalu agar jika ada masalah berat kita enggak kebawa dan dapat menyelesaikannya.
And then we grow together again. That we say because we care. We know all about the foolishness together. So, until now we can through together anything. Nothing to closed. Ya, jadi bagi kalian jika kalian menutupi kebodohan dalam hubungan percayalah, kalian enggak akan tumbuh bersama. Justru dari kebodohan kalian, kalian belajar bahwa kita berharga dan dapat menyelesaikan dengan kekeluargaan. Karena kita udah besar dan samasama berpikir kenapa jika ada masalah kita menyelesaikannya dengan berdiskusi. Tanpa ada ego masing-masing. Asal kalian tahu kita kalo marahan enggak mentingin diri sendiri. Justru kita mencari solusi terbaik dan enak antara aku dan kau. Ya, begitulah bumbu2 dalam pacaran kami. 👫
And the ending... We aware to care all about anything that we need. We aware for her self and him self. Yes, there is love to growing together until we cannot to be a separate. We aware that we same to needed. We aware we need together forever. We aware for all her respect and him self. Because that love can grow from it. We aware if we together can be a great relation. So, I and you maybe doomed together. Hehe. Yes, I cannot say anything. We do have to be together, maybe. So, from all the past through can we say growing that many tall of trust, care, and complete, kangmas. Hehehe. 💓
Kita percaya hubungan ini akan berakhir sampai pelaminan, dan sampai tua bersama. Because we aware together can more a great relation. Even though it's as wide as the ocean, we definitely pass it. Thanks for anything that we pass together, kangmas. 💕
We say together until forever....💗
Him : Together until forever💏
Her : Amin yra... 👫
That we pray....
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