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Tabula Rasa continue in English and the Vow Renewal

Coming to my blog. Exactly I think to posting about something its a special. And then I just to remember you to follow my blog with account your google. I just say thanks a lot for follow my blog. So, I want to give you something the special from Amoris and Putra. With the post all about Amoris dan Putra, I want to say thanks again because you reading my story in Tabula Rasa. I want to apologize if the story its really bored. I just want giving you something that very special. Its the story Amoris and Putra. Exactly I guess Amoris and Putra for the special article, its a they edition vow renewal Amoris and Putra. For the first time I writing to English, for the all around people that loving the story Amoris and Putra. I want to give the special moment that I can making for the English. I have a content writing want giving the special article first. Okey, Check this out.

Amoris Saratib

Hey guys, let me introducing me. My name Amoris Saratib, and the post I will sharing you about my lifestyle. And I want to let me to know about my husband in the story. His name Putra Reinhard. So, in here I tell about lifestyle Putra Reinhard and me. Ya, I have a baby for the story. And I want to giving you about my spiritual and all about the around living my baby. In here I have a baby, and my husband its a special man person that I ever had. In here, my story its about my journey me and my husband. For the first time my post all about in English. Yeah I think my person its a lot love a English. And then if you wanna known about me, you can read from the first story Tabula Rasa from season one to final. And then I want to telling my story about love, family, dream, and all about me and Putra Reinhard.

So, I as a writer in the story want to share you about my hobby. My hobby in the story its writing, in the story I have working a writing and take care my baby. And then you can reading all about Tabula Rasa with the concept drama, romance classic and etc. Its all about as my writer its share the story good for good readers. And I want to giving you a reward. Seems like a good article, drama, and the story that interesting to my good readers. And I say to thanks you for the all support the reader for the writers. Me as a figure in the story its really say thank you for the all support and statictic for my blog.

And I want to say, I really love and honorable for all the story that telling about me and Putra Reinhard. As a writer I want to say thanks a lot for everyone for reading my story in Tabula Rasa. And I want to making some article that story about Amoris and Putra. I want to say really thank you for the support and the impresion you to read my blog.

Putra Reinhard

Hey guys, I as a husband Amoris Saratib want to thank you. You can follow my story in the blog. You can follow and comment the blog. In here I want to share about me. I love a dance and I follow the school dance in the story. I want to say thank you for the support and impression that telling about me. And I want to thanks my lovely wife, Amoris Saratib. In the story we life together. Ya, its all about something and say thanks its really closer. Ya, I want to vow renewal to my lovely wife. In here I just loving my wife, Amoris Saratib. And for the fisrst time its a vow renewal me to her. "I will loving her for now, forever and always. Yeah I will giving the caring for my lovely wife, Amoris. And I want to share a special vow to my anniversary married. So, in the good day it. I want give the something special for her. I will give a love and impresion for my wife. I will to take care for you, for the time, past, and future. Ya, I will always loving my wife. We go to take care her, baby, and all about we. Its my vow renewal me". 

So, I as a husband in the story will give the special say and special something that make a her loving me. Ya, you can read my journey love for the fisrt tabula rasa until final. Its a edition vow renewal. Its the special in English and the special Vow Renewal. So, I just want counting a thousand years, tears, and the hug to my wife. And I just say thanks for the all around supported me exactly my wife in the story, Amoris Saratib. Ya, thanks to all the reader the journey me and Amoris. That enough my vow renewal edition. We will comeback to the edition for the continue. Thank a lot for you all.🙏

Kupas novel lagi. Kali ini novel lucu. Kening. By Rakhmawati Fitri.

Yuhuuu balik lagi ke postingan kali ini, saya ingin menulis lagi dan mereview novel yang saya punya. Ini merupakan koleksi novel yang saya punya, saya membelinya di toko buku kesayangan. Yaudah yuk langsung aja kita kupas perlahan-lahan. Menurut saya novel yang akan saya kupas sekarang merupakan gambaran seorang Rakhmawati Fitri sesungguhnya, gayanya yang lucu dan humoris membuat saya menikmati sekali membaca novel ini. Gaya bahasa nya yang sangat gaul dan humoris membuat saya tertarik untuk membaca dan mencoba untuk mereviewnya. Jujur, di dalam novel ini banyak kalimat yang bikin kita ngakak. Memang Rahkmawati Fitri sangat pandai membuat bahan candaan. Jujur, saya sebagai pembaca dan  penikmat karyanya merasa sangat cocok dengan buku ini. Novel ini berisi kumpulan cerita yang menurut saya sangat segar untuk dibaca terutama untuk remaja. Kalimatnya yang sangat coming-of-age membuat kalian yang berusia dewasa ataupun remaja bisa merasakan cerita saat Rakhmawati Fitri SMA. Banyak cerita-cerita yang sangat comfortable dan out of box. Masuk ke informasi novel ya. Memiliki gambar-gambar yang seru dan menarik.

 Judul    : Kening

Penulis    : Rakhmawati Fitri

Ilustrasi cover dan isi    : Koolastuffa

Hak penerbitan    : Terrant Books 2011

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Nah yaudah gimana mau langsung beli ga??? Ceritanya sangat menghibur saya. Dan bahasa Inggris yang juga ada dalam novel ini sangat cocok untuk kamu para kaum millenial. Memang sih ini novel udah lama banget, maaf ya telat reviewnya. Akan tetapi saya masih menyimpannya sekedar di baca lagi dan koleksi. Langsung aja di cari di toko buku kesayangan kamu yaaa... atau beli e-booknya juga boleh. Tapi saya belum tahu link untuk e-book. Atau pesan di semua platforms social media kamu ya. Silahkan dicari dan kalo bisa sih beli hardcopy-nya saja. Sekian, saya cukupkan edisi novel kali ini. Semoga membantu dan mengajak kalian untuk membeli novel yang asli. Terimakasih. 🙏